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Adagio de Habanoni

Fotografías de Silvia Corbelle y Orlando Luis Pardo

mi habanemia

La Habana puede demostrar que es fiel a un estilo.

Sus fidelidades están en pie.

Zarandeada, estirada, desmembrada por piernas y brazos, muestra todavía ese ritmo.

Ritmo que entre la diversidad rodeante es el predominante azafrán hispánico.

Tiene un ritmo de crecimiento vivo, vivaz, de relumbre presto, de respiración de ciudad no surgida en una semana de planos y ecuaciones.

Tiene un destino y un ritmo.

Sus asimilaciones, sus exigencias de ciudad necesaria y fatal, todo ese conglomerado que se ha ido formando a través de las mil puertas, mantiene todavía ese ritmo.

Ritmo de pasos lentos, de estoica despreocupación ante las horas, de sueño con ritmo marino, de elegante aceptación trágica de su descomposición portuaria porque conoce su trágica perdurabilidad.

Ese ritmo -invariable lección desde las constelaciones pitagóricas-, nace de proporciones y medidas.

La Habana conserva todavía la medida humana.

El ser le recorre los contornos, le encuentra su centro, tiene sus zonas de infinitud y soledad donde le llega lo terrible.


habanera tú

habanera tú
Luis Trapaga

El habanero se ha acostumbrado, desde hace muchos años, a ese juego donde silenciosamente se apuestan los años y se gana la pérdida de los mismos.

No importa, “la última semana del mes” representa un estilo, una forma en la que la gente se juega su destino y una manera secreta y perdurable de fabricar frustraciones y voluptuosidades.



desmontar la maquinaria

Entrar, salir de la máquina, estar en la máquina: son los estados del deseo independientemente de toda interpretación.

La línea de fuga forma parte de la máquina (…) El problema no es ser libre sino encontrar una salida, o bien una entrada o un lado, una galería, una adyacencia.

Giles Deleuze / Felix Guattari


podemos ofrecer el primer método para operar en nuestra circunstancia: el rasguño en la piedra. Pero en esa hendidura podrá deslizarse, tal vez, el soplo del Espíritu, ordenando el posible nacimiento de una nueva modulación. Después, otra vez el silencio.

José Lezama Lima (La cantidad hechizada)


Perseo y Medusa (by Luis Trapaga)


sintiendo cómo el agua lo rodea por todas partes,
más abajo, más abajo, y el mar picando en sus espaldas;
un pueblo permanece junto a su bestia en la hora de partir;
aullando en el mar, devorando frutas, sacrificando animales,
siempre más abajo, hasta saber el peso de su isla;
el peso de una isla en el amor de un pueblo.

la maldita...

la maldita...
enlace a "La isla en peso", de Virgilio Piñera

La incoherencia es una gran señora.

Si tú me comprendieras me descomprenderías tú.

Nada sostengo, nada me sostiene; nuestra gran tristeza es no tener tristezas.

Soy un tarro de leche cortada con un limón humorístico.

Virgilio Piñera

(carta a Lezama)


Luis Trápaga


Las locuras no hay que provocarlas, constituyen el clima propio, intransferible. ¿Acaso la continuidad de la locura sincera, no constituye la esencia misma del milagro? Provocar la locura, no es acaso quedarnos con su oportunidad o su inoportunidad.


Luis Trápaga Dibujos

Luis Trápaga Dibujos
Dibujos de Luis Trápaga

#VJCuba pond5

Pingüino Elemental Cantando HareKrishna

Elementary penguin singing harekrishna
la eterna marcha de los pueblos victoriosos
luistrapaga paintings
#00BienaldeLaHabana (3) #activistascubanos (1) #art-s (6) #arteconducta (3) #artecubanocontemporáneo (2) #arteespinga (1) #arteindependiente (2) #artelibre (5) #artelibrevscensuratotalitaria (2) #artepolítico (5) #artículo13 (2) #casagaleríaelcírculo (2) #censura (2) #censuratotalitaria (2) #Constitución (1) #Cuba (2) #cubaesunacárcel (1) #DDHH (1) #DDHHCuba2013 (2) #DDHHCuba2015 (3) #DDHHCuba2017 (2) #disidencia #artecubano (1) #ForoDyL (1) #FreeElSexto (1) #historiadecuba (1) #labanderaesdetodos (1) #laislacárcel (1) #leyesmigratoriascubanas (3) #liavilares (1) #libertaddeexpresión (1) #libertaddemovimiento (2) #luismanuelotero (3) #miami (1) #MINCULT (1) #museodeladisidenciaencuba (2) #perezmuseum (1) #periodistasindependientes (1) #pinga (1) #PornoParaRicardo #UnDiaParaCuba #YoTambienExijo #FreeElSexto (1) #restriccionesmigratorias (1) #RevoluciónyCultura (2) #TodosMarchamos (3) #UnDiaParaCuba (1) #yanelysnúñez (2) #YoTambienExijo (6) 11 bienal (11) a-mí-no-pero-a-ella-sí-compañero (43) Abel Prieto (1) abogados cubanos (1) acoso policial (1) activismo (1) Adonis Milán (2) agitprop (1) Ahmel Echevarría (3) Ailer Gonzalez (9) Ailer González (1) al derecho o al reVes? 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(5) Laura de la Uz (1) Lázaro Saavedra (2) Léa Rinaldi (1) Leandro Feal (1) Lech Walesa Institute (1) Legna Rodríguez Iglesias (3) Legna Rodríguez Iglesias (1) leo brouwer (1) Leonel Mokarzel (1) Lesmes Carroza (1) Lester Hamlet (1) ley de cine (1) Lezama (4) Lia Villares (15) libertad (6) libertad de creación artística (1) libertad de expresión (3) Lisandra Ramírez (1) literatura (1) literatura cubana contemporánea (17) literatura menor (15) literaturas menores (41) Lizabel Mónica (4) Los papeles de Don Cógito (1) los-envíos-de-un-bloguero-independiente-que-vive-en-la-habana (7) lospornoinaction (37) Luis Alberto García (1) Luis Felipe Rojas (1) Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara (2) Luis Trápaga (54) Lynn Cruz (2) lyrics (6) Maikel Domínguez (1) Maldito Menéndez (3) Maleconazo (1) Marcel Márquez (1) Marcos Antonio Díaz Sosa (1) María Villares (1) Mariela Castro (1) Marilyn Solaya (1) MDC (2) medicina (1) Medusa (1) metalengua?je (6) Mia Unverzagt (4) Michel Matos (1) miedo (2) Miguel Coyula (3) Milan Kundera (1) MINCULT (4) Ministerio de Cultura (2) Miriam Celaya (1) mis hermanas (4) muestra joven (1) Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (3) music lovers (1) música (1) nación (2) no castro no problem (1) nosotras (1) noticias (1) Octavo Cerco (1) Ofelia Acevedo (1) OLPL (3) olpl/lunes/de/postrevolucion/ (13) Omni Zona Franca (2) oposición (1) orgullo gay (2) Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat (1) Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo (3) ostracismo (1) Oswaldo Payá (2) Otari Oliva (3) P350 (1) Pablo Milanés (1) painting (2) País de Píxeles (1) Palabras a los intelectuales (2) Paolo Titolo (1) Papa (1) pasaporte cubano (1) patria (1) Pável Giroud (1) persecusión (1) Perséfone Teatro (1) Perseo (1) piedras pintadas (1) piedritas (1) pinchitas (5) pintura cubana (2) plebiscito (2) PNR (1) poesía (66) PoesiaSinFin (3) política cultural (1) politics (1) pope (1) Porno Para Ricardo (5) postciclónico (8) PPR (1) precios (2) presos de conciencia (1) prohibición de salida (1) Proyecto Heredia (1) Proyecto Varela (1) punk cubano (1) Rafael Alcides (2) Rafael Villares (4) Raúl Castro (1) Raúl Flores Iriarte (4) Reina María Rodríguez (1) represión (23) resposabilidad social (1) revolución cubana (1) Rocío García (1) Roladando Pulido (1) Román Gutiérrez (1) Rosa María Payá (4) S.E. 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Libertad para Danilo

Jun 5, 2009

de la Bak, Elif Karakoç , fotógrafa turca

Salen (texto y fotos) de una revista de diseño y fotografía muy especial que
desconocía y hace poco cayó en mis manos:


y de allí tomo además esta entrevista a la fotógrafa, que ahora tendrá 18,
este número de la revista (Bak 07) que tuvo como tema dream...:

Elif Karakoç <http://elifkarakoc.deviantart.com>

Our younger guest artist, 16 years old Turkish photographer is on Bak
Magazine whiz her interesting answers to our question and impressive

Since when have you interesting in photography? Are you studying it?

I start it with the camera that my parents bought for me in 2004 to take
memoire pictures with the same attention and enthusiasm I have for painting.
Other than that, I don´t have an education in photography.

A good number of artist, including photographers, think that photography is
not art. With the advent of digital technology, this debate is affirmed. The
French photographer, Elliot Erwitt says: "For me, photography is an art of
observation", and he adds, "A photograph is finding an interesting part of
an ordinary setting." What is your take on this issue?

People love to capture the moment and freezing their good and pleasant
moments in their lives. This is why everyone take pictures. I mean it´s not
hard to take pictures.

For me there are two types of photographs. One is "memoire photographs"
taking to capture the moment by everyone and anyone. The other "photography"
is about instances that someone with a power to see and creativity for
aesthetic purposes. To be able to arrange the objective , the colors and the
clarity, setting a balanced composition and appeal to the feelings of the
audience. A photographer brings this aesthetic concern even into a memoir
A person with aesthetic concern is an indication that she/he is not
ordinary. An artlover, interested in painting, music, theatre, with a
certain cultural background. Anyone who releases the shutter is not an
artist. In the same way, every picture taken cannot be a piece of art. A
photographer taken on creativity, aesthetic, the objective -the
composition-knowledge on coloring reveals the artist in that person.
Accordingly, we can see that photography is not an art branch, but not
everyone can take pictures.

In Turkey and around the world, can you tell us about the photographer that
you like and follow? Why do they appeal to you?

The person I always respected and brought photography to Turkey, Ara G*ller,
Koray Birand, who takes wonderful advertisement and fashion photographs and
whose colors and models I admire. Gottfried Helnwein whose frames I follow
religiously... The Spanish photographer Eugenio Recuenco, with his fantastic
ideas and extraordinary fictions. And Rengim M*tevellio*lu, my dear friend,
who is 16, who succeeded a lot in photography despite her young age.

Photography is the first stop for a lot of people in the movies business.
Are you interesting in cinema? Are there directors or country styles that
you particularly prefer?

Cinema is one the tree most important things in my life. I notice every
detail and joke when watching a movie. I pay so much attention that
sometimes I miss the main story. Sometimes I phase out in one scene. I
cannot believe the area depth and the colors. I get carried away with the
setting. I get stuck on the rhythm of music. I always think of something
creative when I watch a movie. On top of that, most of the photographs that
I took were inspired by my emotions when I watched a movie. I could have won
an Oscar if my priority wasn´t photography!
I love French movies. It´s as there´s a rule in France saying "In our
movies, colors, we always be rich, the background always blurred and the
music always perfect"... I´ve seen a documentary on Stanley Kubrick a while
ago, and I found out that Kubrick grew to love cinema thanks to photography
and that he sold his first photographs to "Look" magazine when he was 16.
Then I said; "Wow, then I still have a chance to become a director. It´s not
too late for anything." You never know, maybe I sell my next photographs to
Bak Magazine in a few months :-).
To understand the jokes in a movie makes smile unintentionally. That´s why I
love long and insignificant dialogues, and the cliché scenes. Hence, I love
and respect Quentin Tarantino. For example, the infamous trunk scenes in
Charlie Brown, Kill Bill and Reservoir Dogs. Or the famous feet scenes which
made me love my own feet and even photograph them.
Once, I was planning on making huge hands with paste, put them on the hands
of my model and take such pictures. And I would do that. Up until Michael
Gondry turned out to be faster than I. I was upset at first, but then I
acknowledged that there is a very successful director who works in the way
that I also like with an immense imagination. I was not that disappointed
after Eternal Sunshine thought, because I wasn´t taking pictures back then.
I know Michael Gondry now, and he makes movies in the exact same way that I
do if I could. He tells me to be inspired by my dreams and take pictures.

We see that you use the wear-out effect either by digital interventions or
color arrangements. Sometimes, it is obvious that the past steps out in the
figures and the objects to your frames. Can we says that this originals from
special interesting in or craving for the past?

The longing for the past is easy to explain. A world that´s not too dirty,
with a healthy ozone layer. Where people don´t spit on streets, where they
not kill each other because of a look. Good songs but crappy recording,
black and white movies, phones with huge handsets, houses smelling of mould
and humidity, carriages, phonographs, more delicious vegetables, Alaska
Frigo, the Melek gums, televisions with dual color, Mustafa Kemal Atat*rk,
and a lot more who I couldn´t see, that I couldn´t taste or smell or hear...
I walk into a second hand store and look around for hours. I see a dusty
mirror. Who knows who looked into that mirror before, whose images has
recorded in it? I look at a frame with a broken glass. I wonder whose
photograph it used to hold. Where is that person now?
I throw a longing look at old records. Who had such great taste in music? I
look at old books, smelling them. I feel that "old odor" deep inside. Yellow
pages, folded pages...
And old is Istanbul... I jump on the tram in Beyou*lu with my wooden
suitcase. Then suddenly I get on the ferry. Who knows where I'm going. I
don't know, it was such a long time ago...

If you had a limitless budget, what kind of project would you have created?
Who would you work with, which models would you prefer to use?

I would want to capture surprising moments. Things that noon could dare to
do before. A girl swimming in the air, a boy walking on water. A little man
trying to flip the pages of a huge book, a woman in a red dress jumping off
of a tall building. Even one minute with Eugenio Recuenco, who realized what
I cannot even start to think about, would sufficient to me.
I have to have lots of models with high mallards, wavy red hair, white
skinned and green eyes. Also I have to have a few twins and triplets.

You had your first exhibition experience last month in Istanbul Street
Style. Can you tell us how you felt when you got the offer and day of the

Now that I´m 16 and I´ve never been involved with something like that
before, I was really excited and happy. Istanbul Street Style turned out to
be a turning point for me. I felt like I was socializing more with every
passing moment and that I shared my photographs with more people. My
photographs hanging on those stone walls and people going over to talk about
The best thing was walking around with my camera and taking pictures of the
people talking about in front of my photographs. It was one of most perfect
moments of my 16 years in the life (including the 5 that I cannot remember).
I want to experience that every day.

You are just 16 and you have a long life ahead of you where you can perform
your art. Where do you see yourself in the future? What are your
expectations for life?

I am in my studio with high ceilings, green walls and inlaid floor, waiting
for my base paint to dry on my canvas. I get bored and go to my dark room to
print the photographs that I took a few days ago. Then I hang them on a rope
with latches, I place the second base of my canvas while waiting for the
photographs to dry. I grab my camera and my yellow-paged notebook to dive
into the old streets of the city. I draw a few cats, I take a picture of the
little blonde girl who smiles at the old man selling balloons. I eat
tiramisu in a café and go back to my studio. And what do I else? My cat
spilled all the turpentine on the floor. The brushes, the paint are all on
the floor. I put my favourite song on and mop the floors, pick up the mess
of colors. And suddenly a wave of inspiration takes over me. I paint on my
canvas the little blonde girl flying because of all the balloons in her hand
that she cannot handle. The girl with a green velvet dress, lace socks and a
red balloon.

The theme of the 8th issue of Bak is "Me". What does it bring it to your
mind? What would you say if you had to define yourself in three words or one

Emotion, nostalgia, hiccup.


Aquí una lista de links de fotógrafos y artistas visuales (very interesting
stuff) que luego colgaré en algún hueco donde quepa, porque hechiz... cada
día se parece más a mi habitación: Fotografía y diseño: interesting links

























(Es posible que las fotos salieran 3 o muchas más veces repetidas: sorry, es
culpa de flickr...)

Espero que te haya gustado.

Su linda, recibe mi abrazo.

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déjame un guiño...


Luis Trápaga

El artista tiene en venta algunas de sus piezas. Para contactar directamente con él desde La Habana: telf. fijo: (053-7)833 6983
cell: +53 53600770 email: luistrapaga@gmail.com
para ver más de su obra visita su web

#vjcuba on pond5

#vjcuba on pond5
royalty free footage


demanda ciudadana Por otra Cuba


dis tortue...

dis tortue...
enlace a mi cuento "Dis tortue, dors-tu nue?" (bajarlo en pdf)

País de Píxeles

las cacharrosa(s) Cacharro(s)

la 33 y 1/3 de Raulito

FACT me!


the revolution evening post

El auditorio imbécil

El auditorio imbécil
Ciro J. Díaz


Publikación de Ocio e Instrucción para los Indios de Amérikaribe, para recibir guamá, escribirle al mismo: elcaciqueguama@gmail.com

non official PPR site

non official PPR site
PPR-versus-UJC (unión de jóvenes comepingas)

My Politicophobia

My Politicophobia
I like to think I'm an expert on one thing: myself. The world has a way of constantly surprising me so I've dedicated much of my time to understanding the world one event and one place at a time. "Without struggle, there is no progress." Frederick Douglas

la taza de liz

la taza de liz
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I want u fact

Ricardo Villares


Rafael Villares

"De soledad humana"

Los objetos de la vida cotidiana están relacionados con todos los hábitos y las necesidades humanas que definen el comportamiento de la especia.Nosotros dejamos en lo que nos rodea recuerdos, sensaciones o nostalgias, y a nuestra clase le resulta indispensable otorgarles vida, sentido y unidad (más allá de la que ya tienen) precisamente por el grado de identificación personal que logramos con ellos; un mecanismo contra el olvido y en pos de la necesidad de dejar marca en nuestro paso por la vida.La cuestión central es, ¿Cuánto de ellos queda en nosotros? ¿Cuánto de nosotros se va con ellos? (fragmentos de la tesis de grado de Rafael Villares, San Alejandro, enero 19, 2009)

Néstor Arenas

Néstor Arenas
Néstor Arenas




la mirada indescriptible de los mortalmente heridos